



There are only three city - states in the world - Singapore, the Vatican City and Monaco.

The name Singapore is derived from the Malay words for "lion" and "city". A Malayan Prince coined the name in the 13th century. He most likely mistook a lion for a Malayan Tiger.

Singlish is an English based Creole language spoken in Singapore. It includes words from English, Malay, Hokkien, Cantonese, Tamil, Teochew, Punjabi and more. It is not one of the official languages but it does show Singapore's multiculturalism.

 Sky scrapers in Singapore? Yes, but they cannot be taller than 280 meters! The island is so small no taller structure is far enough away from Changi Airport, limiting the height of all structures.

The total land area of Singapore is 718.3 sq km (275.8 sq mi). This is comprised of the mainland which measures 50 km (31 mi) east to west and 27 km (17 mi) north to south and 63 offshore islands. The most well known island is Sentosa. The coastline measures 193 km ( 120 mi).

The longest stretch of road is the Pan-Island Expressway (PIE), at 42.8 km.

Singaporeans are the fastest walkers on earth. On average we walk about 6.15 km and hour.

 The largest fountain in the world, the Fountain of Wealth, is located at Suntec City.

Although Singapore is mostly urbanized there are more than 300 parks and 4 nature reserves. Many trees have been planted and flowering plants are abundant therefore Singapore is often called the "Garden City".

The climate is classified as a tropical rain forest climate with no distinct seasons. The lowest temperature ever recorded is 19.4 degrees Celsius, in 1934.


新加坡有四種官方語言,英語,普通話,馬來語和泰米爾語。馬來語是母語。英語是主要的工作語言,在學校和商業中都使用英語。這確實是一個多元文化和多種族的社會。人口的大多數是中國人(75.9%)。餘額由馬來人(12.1%),印度人(9.1%),歐亞人等組成。</ s> </ s> </ s>

新加坡的宗教與人口不同:佛教(33.0%),基督教(18.3%),伊斯蘭教(14.7%),道教(10.9%),印度教(5.1%),其他宗教(0.7%),非宗教( 17.0%)。









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